Private policy

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A foundation Watanabe art museum of public interests obeys to treat and protect customer’s personal information appropriately and makes an effort toward personal information protection based on the following private policy.

1. About collection of personal information, use and an offer.

It’s mainly acquired about necessary information on the occasion of the answer and answer about a question and an application variously at this palace. Acquired personal information isn’t used and offered in any place but a use destination without one’s own agreement.

2. There is a connection in management of personal information and security measures.

Appropriate security measures are taken to unjust access, a leak, loss, destruction and garble, etc. in case of handling of acquired personal information at this palace. When entrusting handling of personal information to a third person, I conclude contract, make the where one be of the responsibility clear and make an effort toward safety control of personal information so that a secret may be observed for a third person concerned.

3. About elucidation, correction, a use stop and erasure.

After confirming that this palace is oneself when the offer which are elucidation, correction, a use stop and erasure, etc. about their personal information was made from the person himself, it’ll correspond quickly.

4. About decree obeying and continual improvement.

I reconsider about a system and management and make an effort toward continual improvement so that a decree and a model related to applied personal information protection are obeyed in case of handling of personal information as well as it may be put into effect effectively.