24-Plate Hoshi Helmet with Tetsu-sabiji Finish Deep-blue Colored Lacquered Leather Armor with Kebikiodoshi with Deep-blue Stitches [Edo Period]

During the Warring States Period, the main style of suits of armor was Tosei-gusoku (a contemporary suit of armor), with its focus placed on the necessary functions for actual fighting. Due to the spread of firearms, the area for the protection from bows and arrows became smaller, while steel plates began to be used to protect the wearer from bullets. The 24-plate hoshi helmet and the deep-blue colored lacquered leather armor, constituting a set, indicate what was popular in those days, such the deep-blue stitches and the orange shinobi-no-o cords, the fire-shaped upstanding part on the front of the helmet, and the visor imparting a youthful appearance.

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